Sammy Hagar Weighs In on David Lee Roth's Trash Talking

Sammy Hagar has weighed in on David Lee Roth taking pot shots at Wolfgang Van Halen on his podcast, The Roth Show.

First Roth took exception to Wolfgang having some of his guests removed from the side of the stage during Van Halen's last tour. And that was followed in the latest episode by his opposition to Wolf wanting to see the only Van Halen album he's on, 2012's A Different Kind of Truth, returned to streaming services.

Asked about this by People, Hagar says, “Look, if you really think about what he said, it’s like do I sense a little tinge of jealousy in there or something? Does he feel like he’s left out or something? I mean, honestly, the only thing I can say without being cruel is he needs to find a new dispensary. That one’s not working for him.”

Prior to turning his venom on Wolf, Roth also took aim at Hagar, saying he was "sex probed" by aliens.

The full story is here courtesy of People.

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